When I moved to Malta, I was determined to continue teaching Pilates. I worked hard training for 2 years to qualify and have such a passion for it, knowing how beneficial and versatile this form of exercise is.
It turned out to be quite a tough journey! I’m not entirely sure how I kept getting myself back up to keep going. Determination!
Naturally, I began in studios, which were unfortunately not successful for various reasons, the industry was very different to teaching in the UK.
And so a new idea was born. Offering private sessions, where I could introduce the Reach One Hundred style, and provide individualised programmes to cater for different goals.
I started off teaching my housemates once-a-week in our apartment. Helping them with their fitness goals, and also being able to keep my instruction and knowledge up to scratch.
Eventually I ventured out to my first external clients, with a mat under my arm and travelling by bus and foot, (hitting around 28,000 steps daily). Sometimes I sacrificed the €1.50 bus fare so I could get a coffee on the way instead…
It started to go well, with good feedback and clients feeling the benefits, and a few more came my way. I was just going day by day, remained focused, and gradually things built up.
With the private visits, clients became friends and a huge support, so both business and life started to look up.
In the summer, I needed a quicker form of transport, so I invested in a second-hand E-bike. I could now bring TWO mats, and whizz around more of the island. I had a lot of fun exploring this way too! I even invested in a Pannier bag so that I could bring a little equipment to sessions! Madness!
Due to sessions being within your own home, friends and family began to see what it’s all about, and gradually joined in as well. Now with parents & children doing sessions together, communities, groups of friends, groups of Mum’s with their toddlers running around… Pilates really can be anywhere, with anyone!
It was incredible seeing how much it was all developing. It turned into a fantastic summer, continuing to make the personal connections with clients, as well as them seeing great results from Reach One Hundred Pilates.
With the weather beginning to change, and the darker evenings setting in, I realised I was going to have to get a car, and quite quickly! In a little bit of panic, I luckily found a great company to rent a Toyota Aygo… taken back to the student days!
Not only was it great being behind the wheel again, it made a big difference to my own energy levels and time management. It meant I was able to provide better quality instruction and give even more time to clients’ programmes.
I had in mind that I’d rent the car until summer and then return to the E-bike… but let’s face it, once driving again, that was never going to happen!
I began looking to buy a car in Malta, but I just couldn’t forget that my pride and joy was still in the UK, waiting at my parents’ house. I had bought myself this car as a present to myself, it had sentimental value to me, and I hadn’t had it long before I was told I needed to move away. She had to come join me in Malta!
Now I have my beautiful car, I realise how much it is that sign of permanency, I have something of mine from my previous home, now here in my new home and life. Poor car has no idea what’s coming to it on the Maltese roads… in this together now!
I’ll continue to travel around the island with my mobile studio, teaching with the same passion, and a lot of gratitude to each and every person who has made the dream possible.
Starting 2020, I’m ready to go even bigger and better with Reach One Hundred, and look forward to what adventures are in store!